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5 useful words for excellent essay

5 useful words for excellent IELTS essay

It is very important to use right language in essays to present your views in an outstanding way. Below is a list of words that will help you in building an argument and write persuasively, that will help you to represent your views in the best way by using complex sentence structure.

Let’s start by looking at language for general explanations of complex points.

1. What’s more

This is used in the same way as “moreover” and “furthermore”. It means adding more information and also more importantly.

Example: “The decorations were beautiful and, what’s more, the kids made them themselves.” (MORE IMPORTANTLY)

2.Another key thing to remember

This is also used to introduce additional facts without using “also”.

Example: Another key point in the debate centre on cloned animals, their descendants and the food produced from these.

3.As well as

This also means in addition to (together with) and can be used instead of “also” or “and”

Example: 1. You will receive the product packaging as well as the new design concept tomorrow. 2. It is important to have an efficient anti-discrimination policy, as well as effective protection of minorities.

4.In other words

It is used when you want to express something in a different way. It helps us to elaborate a point to make it easier to understand by emphasizing on it.

Example 1: In other words, at a local level rather than a national level. Example 2. In other words, it is not understood to be a public health problem.

5.To that end

It means in order to achieve a particular aim. Used as, to that end or to this end. It is used in the same way as “in order to” or “so”.

Example: To this end, require an up-and-coming generation of researchers capable of competing on an international level.

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